Tiime Invoice

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Welcome to e-Invoice System. New version of APIs for eivital and some validations updated in eicore and eiewb APIs are released in Sandbox.Click here for more details. Taxpayers who are above Rs. 50 Cr but not enabled for e-Invoicing can get enabled voluntarily by clicking Registration - e-Invoice Enablement. Time is downloaded monthly into QB and invoices are generated simply. The ability to enter time from any web browser, and not have to go directly into QB to enter time, has made the security of our database much stronger and has minimized the need for the number of QB licenses.

To create invoices, you first need to enable 'Invoicing' in workspace settings.

Google duo ios review. Create invoices for clients based on tracked time, and mark entries as invoiced so you don't double bill clients.

Invoicing is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plan. You can try out the feature for free by activating the free 7-day trial (no credit card required).

Creating invoices #

  1. Enable Invoicing in the Workspace settings
  2. Go to Invoices page from sidebar
  3. Click 'Create invoice'
  4. Choose client
  5. Change currency, invoice number, and issue/due dates (if needed)
  6. Click 'Create'
  7. Manually add items to the invoice or import your tracked time
  8. Download PDF

You can enter what the invoice is about in the Subject field (which will appear at the top of the invoice), and you can enter additional information at the Notes fields (which will appear at the end of the invoice).

'Bill from' name, address, and logo are taken from your workspace settings, and 'Bill to' address is taken from the client (you can edit client address by going to the Clients page and click on the edit icon for some client).

Managing invoices #

On the Invoices page, you can see all your invoices, mark them as Sent/Paid/Void, and filter by status.

You can also edit, delete, and change status of an invoice by clicking on some invoice, and then choosing an action from the Actions dropdown in the upper right corner.

Invoices that are marked as paid can't be edited. To edit a paid invoice, you first need to mark it as either Unsent or Sent.

You can add Tax and Discount to each invoice. Just click what you wish to add, enter number, and it will be added to the invoice in form of a percentage. Discount is applied to the invoice's subtotal, and then the Tax is applied on the final result.

Only admins can access the Invoices page.

Invoicing tracked time #

  1. Open the invoice and click 'Import time'
  2. Choose which projects for that client you wish to invoice
  3. Choose from which period you wish to invoice time entries
  4. Choose how you wish to group items in the invoice:
    • Single item - all hours will be merged into one line item
    • Detailed - each time entry will be listed as an individual line item
    • Grouped - group hours by project, user, or date (and further subgroup project, user, date, or description)
  5. Choose if you wish to round imported time
  6. Click 'Import'

Time Invoice Template Excel

Import will take all time entries that match the chosen date range and selected project. Archangel zadkiel sigil.

You can set time rounding option in workspace settings. When you round time, each individual time entry is rounded (and not just the final total).

You can only import time entries that are both uninvoiced and billable.

After the import is done, invoice items will be automatically populated and all appropriate time entries will be automatically marked as invoiced.

If you delete some line item, all time entries from that item will lose their invoiced status.

You can edit line items from imported as you want (eg. change description, amount, or cost), and it won't affect the actual time entries.

You can import time into an invoice multiple times (the only limit is that it has to be the same client).

If you delete the whole invoice, all its entries will be marked as uninvoiced.

Conversion from clock to decimal format #

Total amount between reports and invoices may slightly differ.

Invoices round time on two decimals, while reports take more decimals into account. For example, let's say you have a time entry whose duration is 20min, or 0.3333333h when converted to decimal format. When a report multiplies it with hourly rate of $100, the result in report is $33.33. But when that entry is imported into an invoice, the invoice imports time rounded to two decimals (0.33h), which when multiplied with $100 equals $33.00.

Grouping option may also result in different total amounts.

Let's say you have three entries on some project, each 20min. If you import time one by one with the 'Group hours: Detailed' option. the invoice will make three line items of 0.33 and total amount will be $99.00 (3 x 0.33h x $100). But if you choose 'Group hours: Project' option, they will be summed up and rounded using more decimals (like in the reports), resulting in $100.00 invoice.

To avoid discrepancy due to decimal rounding, round time up, down, or to nearest 6/12/15/30 minutes (i.e. any number divisible by six).

Time Invoice Sheets Free

Settings #

To get invoices in another language or need to name things differently to something else (eg. change label from 'Tax' to 'VAT'):

  1. Click on the cog icon (Settings) next to the 'Create invoice' button on the Invoices page
  2. For each label, enter what you wish to be displayed instead
  3. Each PDF you generate will now display the new labels

Marking time as invoiced manually #

Time entries that are invoiced have a green 'invoiced' tag next to them in the Detailed report.

When you hover over the 'invoiced' tag, you'll see the client and the invoice ID under which the time entry was invoiced (unless it was manually marked as invoiced).

You can filter reports by invoiced/uninvoiced status from the Status filter.

To manually mark time as invoiced, select all time entries you need via bulk edit, and then click on 'Mark as invoiced' (located next to 'Bulk edit' in the table header).


To mark time as uninvoiced, select only invoiced time entries and click 'Mark as uninvoiced'.

Tiime Invoice

To mark time as uninvoiced, select only invoiced time entries and click 'Mark as uninvoiced'.

Separate yourself from your competition using one of Invoice Home's 100 beautifully designed templates. Take advantage of the invoice template features by personalizing your bills with your logo, sending your invoices directly through email and getting paid online using PayPal or by credit card. Check out the different invoicing options and features below and never send out a boring invoice again.

Time Invoice Template

Protect Your Data and Enhance Your Security

Keeping all of your data on a hard drive puts you at risk for losing important customer information. Luckily with Invoice Home, you can securely save all of your customer's data, product information and reports in one place. Our software saves and protects your customer data and product information in a cloud based platform that you can access anywhere with wi-fi. This means if your computer malfunctions or you lose your data storage device you will still have all of the data that your business needs to keep running. Your account even stores all your data for you to export as a PDF or excel file. Now you won't have to go through each invoice one by one to see how much you made, your bestsellers or which customers order the most like when you used other invoicing services or wrote invoices by hand.

Promote Your Brand with a Free Invoice Template

Invoice Home knows how important it is to give your clients a professionally designed bill. With over 100 forms designed by professional graphic designers, you have many options to create an invoice that fits your business. Whether you work in construction or fashion design, love the color red, or want to show your patriotism there is a free invoice template for you. In addition, the uniquely designed templates allow you to upload your own business logo (or choose from a gallery of pre-designed logos which will heighten the awareness and legitimacy of your brand in the eyes of your customer. We never add the 'Invoice Home' logo to your invoices so your clients will even think that you paid for your invoices (even though we offer a free plan).

Choose What's Best for Your Business

Maybe you do things by the book and prefer hard copy invoices? We've got you covered as our invoice templates can easily be saved in PDF form, printed and mailed out to your satisfied customers. Prefer to live digitally? Easily email your saved invoice template to your client via email. Once you have your PDF saved you can also upload it to your cloud storage to keep all your records in one place. Because our system is online you can save your bills in your account to be printed or emailed over and over again.

Make Money With Different Payment Methods

Caregiver Time Invoice

These days most customers prefer to pay by card or online out of convenience, however, some buyers like the option to pay by cash or check. Whichever your customer chooses Invoice Home has your back. First step, of course, is to create your free invoice on our site and send it to your customer by email or traditional mail. For clients who prefer to pay by cash or check, simply create terms on your invoice template for when you need physical payment by. For clients who choose to pay by card or over the web, we've provide many payment options. Our system supports PayPal and Stripe making it a breeze for your customers to pay through credit/debit card or through their bank. Ipad air 2 ios 14.3 checkra1n ipsw. Better yet, our online system stores payment records. If a customer says that they've paid via online but there is no record of it, then you have evidence that the invoice still needs to be fulfilled. If you don't remember a customer paying but there is record of payment, then the bill was honored. It's a win-win for all.

Keep Your Invoices With You Wherever You Go

Whether you're on vacation, with your customer or on the job you can access your invoices via our convenient mobile app. Unlike invoice template excel programs and even invoice template google docs you don't need to carry around a bulky laptop or sit at a desktop to take care of billing. If you're with your customer and they add a service you can whip out your phone and make the necessary changes to your invoice right then and there. The invoices you create on your mobile phone are automatically synced to your Invoice Home account keeping all of your documents in one secure place. Never lose business again to computer problems, bad wifi or slow response times.

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